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- At least Brutus et al. faced Caesar and killed him on the spot
- with daggers. The opponents of John Tower (NATION, March 6) chose
- the slow way -- assassination by rumor and innuendo.
- Jon Heinrich
- Southfield, Mich.
- George Bush speaks of ethics and standards, while supporting
- nominees regardless of their character flaws. Tower was a bad
- selection. He is a good ole boy chosen by a political pal, when
- what the country needs is dynamic, creative leadership.
- Dorothy Nassar
- Fort Myers, Fla.
- I am a Southern Republican who would have voted for Sam Nunn
- if he had run for President against Bush in 1988. I thought Nunn
- was a cut above some of the other politicians in the field, but
- events proved me wrong. This was big boys playing king of the
- mountain to see who had more power.
- Larry Dalton
- Tulsa
- It is degrading for the Secretary of Defense-designate of this
- powerful nation to go on TV and swear he will stay off the bottle.
- It's like a five-year-old promising not to suck his thumb anymore.
- Kurt Redisch
- So Paulo, Brazil
- Bush received a 40-state mandate from the voters and deserves
- to work with the people he picks.
- Alan W. Garett
- Corpus Christi, Texas
- Democrats didn't really think Bush would nominate a member of
- their party to be Defense Secretary. They expected to confirm a
- Republican, but they wanted one who would fulfill the President's
- promise of integrity above reproach.
- Michael B. Brison
- San Diego